Istanbul Archaeological Museums

ROLE: Design Lead
CLIENT: Ministry of Culture & Tourism Turkey
The Ministry of Culture and Tourism commissioned Dreambox to create the opening ceremony to celebrate the reopening of the museum.
Using the facade of the museum which was constructed by Osman Hamdi Bey in 1883 as the canvas, dreambox team crafted a compelling story with use of 3D hyperrealist replication of some of the artifacts and conceptual design with a narrative of the history behide the collections.
In 2022 the main building and exhibition halls of the Istanbul archaeology museums was renovated as part of the institution's earthquake preparation, restoration and exhibit arrangement project.
Osman Hamdi Bey excavated in Mount Nemrud, Myrina, Kyme, other Alolia Necropolises and Lagina Hekate Temple and as a result of excavations he conducted in Sayda (Sidon) between 1887-1888, he reached the necropolis of King Sidon and returned to Istanbul with many sarcophagi, especially the famous one; Alexander the Great.